- Introduction
The collaborative Work Environment allows users to collaborate in real-time on writing documents and sharing ideas. Use it to write reports, take notes during meetings and making presentations. The collaboration environment does not need a server, lengthy setup or a specific operating system. Just run the application and start collaborating now!
- Features
The program consists of 3 applications : a whiteboard, a chat client and an editor application. All three applications allow users to simultaneously view and update the documents together.
This demo application supports :
- Font Changes
- Colour Changes
- Font Size Changes
- Save, Open and Print commands
- Copy and Paste commands
- Stencils for drawing
ForĀ each application, a user may leave and join the group anytime they want. For the document editor, a maximum of 4 users may collaborate at any time. For chatting and white board applications, there is no limit to the number of users.