Source Code

This page contains source code for the Open Source components of the SystemJ stack. Source code is available via our version control system (Bazaar). The available components are listed below.

  • The SystemJ Development Tools Plugin – the Eclipse plugin for supporting SystemJ development within Eclipse. This component is licenced under the Eclipse Public Licence – Version 1.0.

The plugin is available via bzr by running the following command:

$ bzr branch

  • The SystemJ Environment Library – the library of Java classes which forms the runtime for SystemJ programs. This component is licenced under the Apache Licence Version 2.0.

The library is available via bzr by running the following command:

$ bzr branch

Both components are provided as Eclipse projects and can be opened an modified using the Eclipse IDE. For development of the Development Tools plugin, the Plugin Development verison of Eclipse is required.

Currently there is no formal contribution arrangement, but if you would like to contribute to either of these projects, please contact us to find out how you can help.